6940 Raymond Drive
Dublin, Ohio 43017 USA
Office: +1 614 553 7611
Email: contact@frystraka.com
About Us
Fry/Straka Global Golf Course Design is a partnership dedicated to distinctive, award-winning golf course architecture on a worldwide scale. It’s our desire to work in every corner of the globe because, if you examine our track record, we’ve already worked in most of them — and the exercise thrills us. We love what we do. We believe, and our clients agree: This excitement shows in the quality and diversity of our finished work.
Although Dana Fry and Jason Straka collaborate on ALL the firm’s projects — with each other, with clients, with in-house staff and our global network of vendors — it is not uncommon for each partner to be traveling simultaneously on opposite sides of the planet. Modern communication tools make this practical; they continue to expand our capabilities in this area. However, nothing beats being on-site, in the dirt. We’re convinced that “being there,” coupled with a meticulous spirit, demonstrates the firm’s consummate commitment to excellence. We believe it is showcased in our finished work.
This brand of dedication requires time, of course, and millions of miles of travel. Nevertheless, we also see it as good ol’ fashioned quality control. This insistence on being there, on site — to go all those extra miles — allows Fry/Straka Global Golf Course Design to service any job, anywhere in the world, to the very highest standards.